Home Learning (Homework)
Home Learning (Homework)
We place our children at the centre of our school and seek to develop the whole child – spiritually, morally, culturally and academically so they are well prepared to meet future challenges.
As a catholic primary school, we believe parents are the first educators of their children. We also believe that a strong home, school, parish partnership is fundamental to the development of children. Pupils whose parents are involved with their education make better progress throughout their school life. Home learning encourages parents to work with their children as well as in partnership with the school.
Parents will be informed at the start of each year of the home learning children will be expected to complete. Children will be given a class code for their Google Classroom and learning tasks will be posted here weekly. Any home learning which is set will be initiated and followed up by the class teacher.
A home school challenge will be set by teachers approximately half termly. This is aimed at developing independence, curiosity and resilience by giving children choices about, and ownership of, their learning.
Parents are asked to support the school by helping their child finish the work. However, space will be left for the important home activities such as sports, music and drama which also form part of a well-rounded education.
Home learning policy and timetable
Learning is so much more than the academia of English, maths and science lessons. Children of today need to be prepared for the world of tomorrow and so, at St Antony’s, we place an importance on developing curiosity, independence and creativity, on wonder and imagination.
Our CLICK vision is for our children to be curious, loving, independent, creative and knowledgeable learners. We have put together a list of ideas to spark imaginations and to enjoy the wonder of the world. We also want our children to have a choice in their learning in the hope that this will ignite and spark their enthusiasm and curiosity to learn more.
We have put together ideas for activities for the children to do at home that are designed so that the children need as little support as possible in order to encourage independence and build resilience. We have also tried to ensure that any resources needed can be easily found around the house.
So, imagine, explore, make and enjoy.