The Designated Senior member for Safeguarding:
Mrs Petra de Graaf
The Deputy Safeguarding Lead:
Ms Chantal Pampellonne
We take the welfare of all the children in our school very seriously. We have a duty of care for our children and I know that you would expect us to act on any concerns we have regarding your child's welfare.
Part of our mission as a Catholic school is to promote a caring, safe and nurturing environment. Through our curriculum - PHSE, Values and EPR activities we encourage children to develop an awareness of how to keep themselves safe, adopt a healthy lifestyle and establish positive relationships.
As part of our responsibility to safeguard children we are required to have Child protection procedures and a Safeguarding policy which are available below or by email.
We will always undertake to discuss our concerns about a child, whether they come from a disclosure or observations and share our intention to refer a child to Social Care with their parents/ carers unless to do so could put their child at risk / harm or impede a criminal investigation.
All teaching and support staff have taken part in Prevent training organised by the LA which is training introduced by the government regarding identifying radicalisation.