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St Antony's

Catholic Primary School

God is at the heart of our school


St. Antony's Primary School

Mission statement:


"God is at the heart of our school.

With the help of our community, we will strive to learn, love and achieve."



To Know You More Clearly


" Education is not about knowing things or taking lessons, but about being able to use three lingos: those of the head, the heart and the hands...learning so that you can think about what you feel and do, can feel what you think and do and can do what you feel and think. Unity within a person"   - Pope Francis 





At St Antony's R.C. Primary School we are beginning our journey to follow the new Religious Education Directory and it's program " To know You More Clearly"


Since 2023 and up to 2025 this has been and will be rolled out across EYFS, KS1 and KS2. It is an innovative and enriching new Religious Education program that seeks to deepen the spiritual journey of our children by fostering a complete understanding of Catholic teachings and values.

This program goes beyond the traditional curriculum, encouraging our pupils to explore their faith through lens of curiosity. Through engaging lessons, thoughtful reflections and interactive activities, " To Know You More Clearly" creates a learning environment that encourages our pupils to connect with their spirituality on a personal level.


This program not only imparts knowledge, but also cultivates a genuine and enduring relationship with God, which contributes to the spiritual development of our children.

Scripture is the foundation of each Branch and will develop knowledge, understanding, skills, compassion and awe and wonder across the curriculum.


The Ways of Knowing:


The ways of knowing describe the skills that  pupils develop as they progress through the Religious Education curriculum These are:









Understand - See


In this way of knowing the aim is to help pupils understand deeply the meaning of sacred texts, religious beliefs, sacred rites, and the lives of individuals and communities who are shaped by these texts, beliefs and rites.






Discern - Judge


In this way of knowing the aim is to help pupils be able to judge wisely in response to different interpretations of the meaning, significance and implications of texts, beliefs, rites and way of life so that they can arrive at justified conclusions.






Respond - Act


In this way of knowing the aim is to help pupils reflect personally and with integrity on what they have learnt and consider the implications for action these may have in their own lives and the world in which we live.







Knowledge Lenses


The Knowledge Lenses indicate what should be known by the end of each phase. They are referred to as lenses since they are what we are looking at. These are






ARCHIVED 2021 - 2024




At St Antony's we believe that the first educators in the faith are parents. Our school enhances the partnership between home and parish and our mission statement entails the ongoing development of every individual. We aim to stimulate and promote growth at whatever stage the child may be at on his/her faith journey. Children arrive at school with a wide range of experiences and the RE program must take into account the religious and educational needs of the children: those from supportive Catholic homes and those for whom school may be their only experience of Church.


Spiritual development is not  the exclusive responsibility of R.E. Through the whole of the curriculum we aim to develop in the child a sense of awe and wonder. The beliefs and values studied at St Antony's provide the foundation for the entire educational process.



At St Antony's we approach  "Come and See" through a system of fixed topics. The whole school explores each religious theme through the same topics at the same time. Children develop their knowledge through each topic, in more depth until they reach Year Six.

Other Faiths

We believe it is important to encourage respect for other faiths and ensure that children understand that there are similarities and differences in beliefs.

Catholic Schools exist in a multi-faith and multi-cultural society. Ignorance besets prejudice and it is therefore important that Religious Education should introduce children to the background and beliefs of other faiths so that prejudice and misunderstanding can be overcome from an early age.


Whole School RE Curriculum Map

Diocesan Vision Statement - 2017 -2022

What Religious Education looks like in our school.
