Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum Intent
Our Vision
At St Antony’s our curriculum is underpinned by our vision and values and reflects our faith and our mission statement. We place our children at the centre of our school and seek to develop the whole child – spiritually, morally, culturally and academically so they are well prepared to meet future challenges.
Storing up knowledge for the future with,
Qualities eagerly developed amongst each child
Uniqueness is celebrated, understanding fostered, creating
Inquisitive, independent, individuals who are
Remembering, retaining
Retrieving knowledge through
Effort and enthusiasm
Learning to love just like our Lord Jesus Christ
A squirrel is inquisitive, independent and creative, it stores up food for future use and plays a vital role in the world. Our curriculum intent is for all of our children to be inquisitive, independent and creative, to store up knowledge and skills for their future and to learn to love themselves, others, creation and learning in order to play a vital role in the world.
Curious Loving Independent Creative Knowledgeable
Our Be-Attitudes (values)
Be Disciplined | Be Responsible | Be Organised | Be Considerate | Be Understanding | Be Humble | Be the change you want to see | Be Healthy |
Our Be-Attitudes explained
Curriculum Drivers
Our curriculum is driven by the needs of our children. We want all of our children to have a global viewpoint and an understanding of the diverse world in which they live.
As a Catholic school, our faith is at the heart of everything that we do and the principles of catholic social teaching are therefore drivers for our curriculum. In this time of climate change, we are inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato si’, which calls us to “Listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor who suffer most” and by the UN Global Goals.
At St Antony’s, teaching principles and practice are guided by research into effective teaching practices, cognition and how knowledge and understanding develops. Our St Antony's Pedagogical Approach ensures that children know what they are learning and how to achieve it, are given opportinities to retrieve and recall prior learning and are encouraged to be independent thinkers. In other words, they know more and remember more. Teachers introduce new content in small steps, model learning and give resources and scaffolds to help chidren achieve.
St Antony's Pedagogical Approach
If you require more information in relation to our school curriculum, please contact our Curriculum Lead, Mrs Poulter, via the school administration email: admin.st-antonys@redbridge.gov.uk