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St Antony's

Catholic Primary School

God is at the heart of our school

The Jubilee Year

The Jubilee Year 2025 


This year is a special Jubilee year. This only happens every 25 years in the Catholic Church!

Pope Francis has called this Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. It’s an invitation to renew our hope; a hope which comes from knowing that God loves each one of us, whoever we are.


He has asked us to be signs of hope for others, by putting Catholic Social Teaching into action through caring for our common home, and supporting our sisters and brothers who are experiencing war, hunger or poverty. Reflecting on Jesus’ message of the good news of justice, freedom and love, there are opportunities for the whole school community to experience the joy of taking action as Pilgrims of Hope in building a better world.



This is the logo for our Jubilee year! It is full of symbolism and helps us to remember the focus of this special time.


The cross: The large cross at the centre reminds us of Jesus, and is a symbol of faith and hope.

The people: The four figures represent all people on earth. Their arms are around each other to show solidarity and friendship, and that we should be one, united global family.

The waves: The flowing waves symbolise our pilgrimage together and that life’s journey is not always smooth, sometimes the journey can be rough and challenging.

The anchor: The anchor is a symbol of hope. It steadies ships during storms and rough weather.



Launch Day

On Friday 24th January, our Young Franciscan group, led a whole school assembly to launch to the Jubilee Year. They explained how this will be a special year; they explained the theme of hope and shared some of the exciting activities they have planned for this year. The Young Franciscans also gave each class their own 'CAFOD Pilgrims of Hope' journey poster to display in their classrooms and a set of stickers to use use to show which activities they have completed. 
