Prayer and Liturgy
Prayer and Liturgy
At St Antony's, we focus on the events of the liturgical year and this forms the basis of collective worship both in class and during whole school worship. Children play an active role in prayer and liturgy as they work towards planning and leading their own worship in the classroom.
Prayer Life
Daily prayers are integral to the school day and are said four times a day in class and in the playground. We also enjoy moments of spontaneous prayer throughout the day which is led by children and staff.
Prayer Foucs areas
Each classroom has a dedicated prayer focus area, with coloured cloth that follows the liturgical year and different objects to act as a focus for classroom prayer. The children take pride in creating these area and enjoy writing prayers for their class prayer books, which are kept in the prayer focus area, and these are shared throughout the week.
Mass is celebrated in school and in our parish church 'St Thomas of Canterbury' by Father Michael. The children participate actively by delivering readings and reflections, contributing bidding prayers, singing, playing music and serving. School Mass is very much a highlight for children, staff, parents and the parishioners who attend. Throughout the year, different year groups led Mass and we enjoy inviting members of the community to join in these wonderful celebrations. Years 3 to 6 also enjoy joining 10am Mass in Church with the local community.
Prayers to be learnt by Key stage
The Prayer of St Francis - A reflection by the staff of St Antony's